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Showing posts with label Homemade Hair. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Homemade Hair. Show all posts
Good morning everyone, today I wanna spent a post talking about my hair:  sometimes just after shampoo they look terrible, oily and really bad.  I hate when freshly washed hair seem dirty but it happens! Maybe this "sad thing" depends on the shampoo, weather or whatever... Well, looking on internet I found million of recipes so I put all informations together and I created my personal best oily hair remedy. This method is fast, cheap and very good to quickly absorb the oil from your scalp.
9 tablespon of water
2 tablespoon of alcohol
2 tablespoon of cornstarch
1 spray bottle
Mix all ingredients up and put it into the spray bottle. Sprinkle especially where your hair need to be de-greased; make them a little moistened but not wet. Finally comb your hair and proceed drying. 
Done! So what do you think? 
Read more, Homemade shampoo

Of all the soaps the most difficult to find is always the shampoo: the skin gets used  to it and after a short time you are forced to change it 'cause your hair aren't cool. I'm in the middle of my Bio revolution so I'm always in search of a new way to solve my daily problems and today I wanted to try (of several that I found around) this backing soda non-shampoo.  I read a lot around and a lot of people is using it, so I whashed my scalp with backing soda and my hair are beautiful!
How long they will be clean? 4-5 days

The recipe is simple: 
1 tablespoon of baking soda
250 ml of warm water
1 teaspoon vinegar
2 drops of essential oil (lavander, vanilla,teatree)
a bit of cinnamon

However: do not abuse of this recipe, 'cause an excessive use of the bicarbonate can be harmful. I
recommend using this method, alternating  it with the shampoo. The bicarbonate deeply cleanses the scalp, therefore, should not be used regularly to not weaken the hair

Read more Homemade facial scrub