Make up is a beautiful friend of every woman: it helps to soften features and generally improves the relationship with the body. Last Saturday I went out with a friend and I realized how many people misuse the word "fashion" and style and confused the role of make-up, looking very bad. Here is my Top Five of the most common mistakes that women make in the care of their image:

In fourth place is the meaning of style that many women choose reading gossip magazines and adapting their clothes with the trend of the moment (which is not always necessary). Most of women, including me, are not the beautiful lady of "The Devil Wears Prada" so a good use self-criticism when you choose a dress!

In second place there is a really common mistake: ranking a bad eyeliner. This error is more common than one would think: a phone call at the wrong time and you will lost the direction of the line around the eye that turns into a real zig zag; often, if you are on a hurry, you do not realize the damage, on this situation just hope to meet a friend or an enemy on the street that makes you notice this horror!
At the top rank are the eyebrows: sometimes they are retouched or tattooed (although some are done really well) and look really strange but is better looking like Frida Kahlo that makes her pronounced eyebrows a truly element of charm. This doesn't mean for us abandoning the tweezers but while we use them just respecting the line of the arch: thinning out, if necessary, but NEVER, changing this very important feature of your face.
I am curious to know what your Top 5 !! Write in the comments!
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