Yesterday was a beautiful day so i spent the afternoon walking through the fields, however, I realized that I was too tired partly because I do not practice sport so I remembered my notebook in which I transcribe all the recipes and I dusted off a really interesting remedy to stimulate the circulation of the legs, reducing cellulite only with coffee.
Why coffee fights cellulite?
If you go to look at the basic ingredients of any anti-cellulite cream, you will surely find the caffeine, which is used as an adjunct to these compounds, due to its property to stimulate drainage and fat removal; to enhancing their efficiency you have to use it, as I'm about to explain, coupled with massage and physical activity.
What do you need?
3 coffee grounds
2 tablespoons of olive oil
cling film

Once stretched the wrap, wrap the affected area with cling film.
Leave it on for 20-30 minutes.
Repeat treatment 2 or 3 times a week for at least 2 months, the skin will be toned; if you match it with physical activity, its benefits will be even more visible.
Read more Homemade body wax
Read more Homemade body wax
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